Quick Tips
You don’t need to be a hair expert...but there’s a few things every guy with long hair needs to know.

Wear Those Locks
Like a Medal of Honor
You have long hair for a reason. You like your hair and it took a long time to grow out.
But you lose a little luster when you don’t know what to do with it, so you might as well learn how to take care of it properly.
With Quick Tips You’ll Learn:

Washing and conditioning:
how often, proper technique and types of products to use (and what not to use).

Brushing and combing:
how to do it properly, when you should do it and what you should use.

Moisturizing and hydrating:
what to use and why it’s great for your hair.

Dealing with haters:
people who don't like your hair, and what you can tell them.

Hair whipping:
proper form and critical safety precautions.

If You Do Cut It
If you've made it this far and you still haven't signed up, we are assuming you're going to cut your hair. We can't believe that’s the case, so here's one last chance.